Energy Solutions

Every­thing you do – from flip­ping a switch to upgrad­ing your light­ing – can add up to big sav­ings for you and your neigh­bors. Plus, the future of ener­gy now includes solar options, elec­tric cars, and appli­ances that become more and more effi­cient. Get the most for your ener­gy dol­lars and house­hold bud­get with­out sac­ri­fic­ing com­fort or con­ve­nience.

Rooftop Solar

We can help you make smart ener­gy invest­ments, includ­ing invest­ments in ever-advanc­ing solar.

Cooperative Solar

Coastal Elec­tric offers our cus­tomers the ben­e­fit of util­i­ty-scale solar with no upfront costs or con­tracts.

Home Energy Savings Guide

Find out how you can low­er your elec­tric bill just by fol­low­ing a few smart and sim­ple tips.

Drive Electric

We’ve got every­thing you need to know about the world of elec­tric vehi­cles.

Advance Pay Energy Guide

The more you know about where your elec­tric­i­ty dol­lars are going, the bet­ter you can man­age your usage and save mon­ey.

Construction Guidelines

Home­own­ers and devel­op­ers seek­ing to have under­ground elec­tric ser­vice should call us before begin­ning con­struc­tion. 

Use Energy Wisely

This inter­ac­tive web­site will teach you how to save mon­ey on your elec­tric bill while increas­ing the com­fort­a­bil­i­ty of your home.

Billing & Payments

Explore the many ways we make it quick and con­ve­nient to pay your bill and mon­i­tor your usage.